вторник, 19 мая 2009 г.
Allegations of poaching by the hunting expedition aboard the Mi-171 helicopter have received wide coverage even in government-friendly media outlets. Conservationists say photographs from the crash site prove that the officials were hunting endangered argali sheep. The wild sheep is one of Russia's rarest animals, and hunting it is punishable by up to two years in prison. The photographs prompted ecologists to press prosecutors to investigate whether the officials were hunting illegally when their helicopter went down. Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov said Tuesday that "environmental laws should be obeyed" by everyone, "irrespective" of their positions, RIA-Novosti reported.
Read full story in The Moscow Times. Three days later Irkutsk Governor crashed - after disobeying the law...
понедельник, 18 мая 2009 г.
From Altaigate to Baikalgate: same story
Der umgekommene Kremlvertreter Alexander Kosopkin wurde mit allen Ehren zu Grabe getragen. Höchstes Geleit für die Wildschützen machte die Umweltaktivisten im Altai misstrauisch. Die Untersuchungen würden wieder mal im Sande verlaufen, fürchten sie. Der aufgeflogene Jagdfrevel der Elitejäger sei nur die Spitze eines gewaltigen Eisbergs. Es kursieren auch Gerüchte, Altai-Präsident Berdnikow habe von der Unglücksstelle noch schnell Waffen und Kadaver beseitigen lassen. Tatsächlich seien mehr als 20 Wildschafe erlegt worden. Der ehemalige russische Chef-Umweltschützer, Oleg Mitwol, ist nach Einsicht einiger Untersuchungsprotokolle überzeugt, dass aus dem Hubschrauber mit einer Kalaschnikow geschossen wurde... Nur durch Zufall war Präsident Berdnikow nicht mit von der Partie, als die Maschine von der abgelegenen Hochgebirgsbasis der Regierung auf die Jagd ging. Er hatte am Vorabend zu tief ins Glas geschaut. Der Wodka rettete ihm das Leben...
En Sibérie, parties de chasse à l'ours en hélicoptère:
La passion de la chasse en hélicoptère est-elle à l'origine de la mort du gouverneur de la région d'Irkoutsk (Sibérie), Igor Essipovski ? Dans la nuit du 9 au 10 mai, l'appareil qui le transportait s'est écrasé sur les rives du lac Baïkal, entraînant la mort de quatre personnes : le gouverneur, le vice-premier ministre de la région, Mikhaïl Chtond, un garde du corps et le pilote....Interdite parce qu'elle ne laisse aucune chance à l'animal traqué, la chasse en hélicoptère est prisée en Russie. Le 9 janvier, en pleine battue à l'argali, un mouton sauvage rare, un hélicoptère russe Mi-171 s'est écrasé dans la région sibérienne de l'Altaï, tuant sept de ses onze occupants, dont le représentant du Kremlin à la chambre basse du Parlement (Douma), Alexander Kossopkine. Deux photographes chargés d'immortaliser la partie avaient pris place à bord.
Mystic coincidence: Altai Mi-171 crashed during illegal Argali poaching on 9-1-9 (9 Jan 2009), and Irkutsk governor who was hunting from helicopter, presumably, for Brown Bear - crashed on 9-5-9 (9 May 2009). Those who believe in revenge for poaching from nature started to worry what happens on 9-9-9 if the Russian top officials remain both silent on the investogation and try further to hide the VIP poaching crime.
понедельник, 30 марта 2009 г.
Asking for help from Gordon Brown
The question is here, and also this call for help from us is cited: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=8929&post=47069&uid=34682862911#post47069
Hopefully very much conservation-minded British people, who have also other law and justice questions to ask, will help oppose poaching...
суббота, 7 марта 2009 г.
President and Chief Prosecutor of Russia Remain Silent. Public Demands.
Russia Today TV: Russia gets tough on poachers. United Russia officials are sued for poaching!
The Moscow Times: Protests Are More Than About Sheep
Echo of Moscow: 7th March 2009. Meeting in Moscow demanding for investigation of poaching and corruption crime, and for the President of Russia to say a word on this issue! (in Russian).
Call for the journalists: please ask Medvedev and/or Putin whenever and whereever you can - for their reaction on the Argali Poaching Case. Your single support and single question might help to reach justice!
среда, 18 февраля 2009 г.
English text of the Altai Petition to Medvedev
As on Febrayry 18th, 2009 - 41 day since the crash of the Mi-171 helicopter as a result of shooting from the air at endangered and legally protected Argali sheep, there is still no criminal investigation of the evidences on VIP-poaching and corruption.

on 22 February 2009
To the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry. A. Medvedev
On January 9, 2009, a Mi-171 helicopter crashed in the Ulandryk canyon (the Kosh-Agach district of Altai Republic, Russia), near the Mongolian border, killing seven people onboard and injuring two. This air crash had a profound affect on our society not only because of the tragic loss of life, but also because of the fact that it was caused by an illegal helicopter hunting.
While expressing our condolences to the relatives of the deceased, we believe that the incident must be investigated impartially and in accordance to the Legislation of the Russian Federation. We demand that the law-enforcement bodies carry out an objective investigation and bring to justice thaose responsible for the loss of life.
Abusing their official positions, a group of senior officials from the Russian President's Administration and the Government of Altai Republic were helicopter hunting the argali sheep, the endangered species that are under protection by government law. On one of the photographs of the crash site, published by the Altapress.ru website, the carcasses of Altai mountain sheep, or argali, are clearly visible next to the helicopter wreckage. There is no doubt that a crime punishable under paragraphs of the Russian Criminal Law, 258 (an illegal hunt) and 285 (an abuse of official power), has been perpetrated.
We, the public organizations, expected that Mr. Berdnikov, the Chairman of the Government of the Altai Republic, would clarify the situation and publicly offer his condolences to the relatives of the deceased. Instead, he made a rather cynical statement: "The Government of the Altai Republic had no connection to either helicopter or a hunt if there was a hunt. There were no directions or orders given to persons aboard to take part in this trip, they all went on their own free will." Then he added sarcastically: "Those who have means, they pay for a helicopter. Those who don't, they pay for a car. Those who have no means at all, they pay for a horse. Those who have no money for a horse, go on foot."
However, the investigation found out that the helicopter was chartered from "Gazpromavia" by Mr. Bannyh, the Vice Premier of the Government of the Altai Republic and the representative of the Altai Republic at the Government of the Russian Federation. The permission for the helicopter to enter the state border territory was signed by Mr. Paltaller, who is a Deputy Governor of the Altai Republic. According to unofficial sources, the helicopter charter payment was made by Ms. Shubina and Mr.Kozlov, two businesspeople from Novosibirsk and Barnaul respectively. The Federal Law classifies the payment for a service, made by a private person for a civil servant, as a corruption offense.
We believe that the immoral and corrupt ways of the Government of the Altai Republic are the root cause of this tragedy. The helicopter hunting of endangered species of animals was perpetrated for private gain. In our opinion, it was no coincidence that this VIP hunting trip for the influential people was organized a year before the re-appointment of a new Governor of the Altai Republic.
We are astonished at the cynicism of the organizers of this immoral and illegal action who, in their drive to achieve their career ambitions, had sacrificed not only the endangered animals, but also people's lives.
Because of the enormous social significance of this incident, we believe that an independent commission, consisting of the Altai Republic's deputies, must be formed in order to investigate the incident. The commission should find answers to the following questions:
1. Who paid for the helicopter charter? Can the fact of the payment be regarded as a form of a bribe to an official, taking into account that most of the passengers were high-ranking officials? 2. On what grounds did the Government of the Altai Republic apply for a permission for a private flight? 3. On what grounds did Mr. Bannyh, being a member of the Government of the Altai Republic, charter a private flight from Gazpromavia? 4. Why the actual passengers were different people than those shown on the permission application? 5. Why was the flight carried out not in a time period specified by the permission? 6. Why did a departure from an allowed route take place? 7. Did the passengers have a right to be in the state border area? 8. Would it be possible to avoid such serious consequences if the organizers didn't keep the place of hunting a secret? 9. Were criminal cases instigated on charges of corruption and poaching?
We also insist that the investigation bodies present the complete and objective report on the results of the investigation, including the culprits, to the State Assembly El Kurultai.
We ask the Russian President's Administration to give a legal and political assessment to the actions of certain members of the Government of the Altai Republic, and to review Mr. Berdnikov's qualifications to be a Chairman of the Altai Republic Government, a guarantor of the Russian Federation's Constitution and Law in the Altai Republic. If our demands are not met, we reserve the right to organize a public protest including a republic-wide meeting in accordance with the current legislation.
Nudga G. M. - deputy chairman of NP "Razvitie",
Petrov V. I. - chairman of OO "Za Respubliku",
Sazankin M. M. - co-chairman of "Ene Til",
Tabaev D. I. - chairman of OO "Chyndyk",
Kine A. K. - chairman of OO Spiritual Center "Ak Jan", Kudirmekov V. D. - chairman of the Fund of the altai people's revival and the preservation of the Altai Mountains nature "El Altai", Keluev V. K. - chairman of OO "Bilik", Paklin M. I. - chairman of OO "Russky Center", Nikonov Ju. P. - chairman of ERO ND KPE, Uhanov S. I. - member of the Russian Committee on fight against corruption, Fedorova N. P. - member of OO "Altai Republic Women Federation", Chekonov N. A. - secretary of the Altai reskom, the first secretary of the Gorno-Altaisk gorkom of KPRF, a deputy of the Altai republic, Vlasov V. V. - ataman of the Gorno-Altaisk Cossack society, Fedotov Ju. I. - ataman of the Bikatun Cossack line, Bedarev V. N. - head of k/h "Bedarev", Muytueva L. N. - OO "Russian United Alliance", Selbikov A. A. - zaisan of the Irkit family, Zjulin A. F. - deputy of the Altai republic, Dumnova N. G. - head of ARO PP "Yabloko", Alushkin P. M. - deputy chairman of ROPP "Patriots of Russia", Karatunov M. A. - chairman of RO VPP "Pravoe Delo".

четверг, 5 февраля 2009 г.
Appeal of Telengit Indigenous Communities from the Altai Republic

Association of Telengit Indigenous Communities from the mountains of the
Full text of the appeal from Telengit Indigenous Communities is translated below.
To the President of
Mr. D.A.Medvedev
To the Prime Minister of Russian Federation,
The Chairman of “United Russia” Party
Mr. V.V.Putin
To the Chief Prosecutor of
Mr. Yu.A.Chaika
Association of Telengit Indigenous communities “Ere-Chui” (Sacred Chui) of Kosh-Agach district Tos-Torgoo expresses deepest condolence to relatives and friends of those who were killed in the tragic accident that took place early this year in Kosh-Agach district as a result of Mi-171 helicopter crash which led to death of seven people.
The situation that caused such terrible consequences got enormous response in the society, especially after the details of the catastrophe appeared in press and media.
It is known for certain that the VIP officials of the federal and regional level were hunting right from the helicopter on Argali, the species included in the Red Data Book and considered sacred by the Altai people. In relation to this a number of Altai Republic NGOs made an appeal to the President of Russian Federation Mr. D.A.Medvedev, raising a number of questions on investigation of this case. Association “Ere-Chui” approves this appeal and fully supports the requests expressed in that document. On behalf of our district public we strongly oppose the criminal act in itself, and express our concern on the lack of any official position from the first persons of the state. We strongly disagree with the actions of the republican authorities that are targeted to alteration and conceal of the true facts. We strongly criticize the silence from federal and republican NGOs, namely the Public Chamber of Russian Federation and the Public Chamber of the
- from the President of Russian Federation Mr. D.A.Medvedev, as the guarantee of the Russian Constitution, to express his firm position on this case.
- from the law enforcement bodies of
- To undertake detailed investigation of this criminal case;
- To make liable all those individuals who are guilty;
- To share information on the measures taken and on the process of criminal investigation via press and media.
Kosh-Agach settlement
Association of Telengit Indigenous Communities “Ere-Chui” (Sacred Chui) Chairman |
“Mool-Millenium” Community Chairman |
“Tozyn-Too” Community Chairman |
“Otok” Community Chairman |
“Kabai Beltir” Community Chairman |
“Kaan Kurai” Community Chairman |
“Edelweiss” Community Chairman |
“Irbis-Tuu” Community Chairman |
“Ailan” Community Chairman |
“Mezhelik” Community Chairman |
Original text of this appeal is published in Russian.
понедельник, 2 февраля 2009 г.
Banners for Russian Users spreading public demand in press and media

The update on situation as on February 3rd 12:00
- President of Russia keeps silent on this case.
- Investigators from the Chief Prosecutor Agency keep silent on this case.
- Russian aviation service in their internal mailgram, made now public, explained that the reason of helicopter crash was due to poaching from helicopters on Argali by VIP Russian Government officers.
- Public demands openness in investigation, and that the surviving VIPs have to be dealt according to the criminal law - for well-organised poaching with the use of forbidden hunting methods. This is the demand for trial on proven corruption case!
суббота, 24 января 2009 г.
Calling for help to enforce Argali protection

There were 7 people killed, 2 severely injured and 2 slightly injured - when they were found on the 11th of January. Among those dead - the Representative of Russian President to State Duma Mr. Alexander Kosopkin, the Head of the Altai Republic Game Management Agency Mr. Kaimin, other VIPs, two pilots and one locally famous musician. Among survivors - Deputy Governor of the Altai Republic Mr. Anatoly Bannykh, second pilot and two VIPs, the latter heavily injured and still in rehabilitation.
The wrong side of this tragedy is that Argali is included in the Red Data Book of Russia, and hunting on this species is completely prohibited. The photo above became a documented fact that the VIP trip on that crashed helicopter was in fact a VIP Argali poaching.
In total 4 Argali were shot, while the group in this part of the Altai ranges from 200 to 600 animals migrating seasonally across the border with Mongolia. Altai Argali is also the flagship species of WWF Altai-Sayan Ecoregion Programme.
Since the 13th of January when the photo was published Russian public is calling upon the President and the State Chief Prosecutor of Russia to launch investigation of this criminal case of combined poaching and corruption, that led to helicopter crash and the deaths of people. So far the prosecutors investigate only the technical reasons of helicopter crash. Besides, as soon as the Argali poaching was made known to public - decision was taken that all investigation is made "temporarily secret".
Many people feel condolence to relatives and friends of those who are dead and injured - but at the same time furious that the poaching at such high level took place. It is known it was not the only one. There are at least 50 known comments/applications from various people calling for the President to say his word on this case: for nature, for law enforcement, and for justice. WWF Russia and GreenPeace sent the letter to the Main Prosecution Service.
The President keeps silent on this as on today.
Two days ago representatives of 23 NGOs of the Altai Republic agreed on a joint open letter to the President of Russia, the Chief Prosecutor, to the Head of State Duma and a number of other organisations - demanding for the start of investigation on the fact of poaching and possible top-level corruption, and also on the open sharing of investigation findings.
This petition is available for signing at the link; petition text is in Russian, but signing page has English hints. Your voice may help. If you want some additional information on this issue - so far only the WWF Russia pages are available in English here. More information will be added during the coming week here in this blog.
Despite loud and strong negative public opinion on the reasons of this tragedy and the things that took place after the crash (hiding the information and silencing the whole story) the leaders of the Altai Republic are still in their positions. Including even the Deputy Governor, one of the four survivors and direct participant and most likely the funder and organiser of the poaching trip. President Dmitry Medvedev also keeps silent, as said above.
This whole case is already gaining the name Altaigate - as it is a symbol of large-scale neglect to National Law on such a high level.
Law enforcement within Russia is the challenge for the Russian sociaty itself. The same with corruption - it is assumed that Russian officials will not consider any judgement or opinion on this issue from abroad.
But you may help from abroad to call upon the President of Russia Mr. Dmitry Medvedev to clarify for the world the curcumstances that legally protected animals - endangered Altai Argali - were killed without permits by the group of people who should in their positions be the first to secure enforcement of the law. You can address Mr. Medvedev in English here by e-mail.
Additional links except the link to:
- Discussion in Russian at the only independent media that covers this issue in the Altai.
- Special issue of "Novaya Gazeta" (top democratic newspaper of Russia, in Russian, with photos).
- Daily updated summaries on the issue in one of the Russian blogs - on Altaigate.
Large scale photo that is included here can be downloaded in high resolution from the Altapress post/discussion - direct link is here: http://altapress.ru/bigphoto/vertolet.jpg
These photos were provided by an anonymous source(s) for public and press, and are also used in various media.
Surviving Altai Argali
P.S. It is hard to be often on e-mail, so please be patient, I will not be able to reply soon.